Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Free Money at FusionCash!

FUSIONCASH REVIEW- Free money online!

Hey guys, I've finally gotten around to reveiwing, I'm going to do some smaller and to the point reviews; the longer ones I always dread!

Anyways, I have to say Fusioncash.net is one of the better GPT sites out there; it is one of the much better crediting sites, and it is often, and I mean *often* instant. I haven't been doing too many offers there, but I certainly have loved doing the offers; there are four sets of offers: free, trial, subscription services, and then health and beauty, just for fun or something I guess... Anyways Fusioncash is a great way to earn money straight to your paypal as the offers credit quickly, and you can get paid to post! Yup, you can get paid up to 3 bucks a month for 30 *quality* posts. That's awesome! And if it couldn't get any better, you get a PTC service! Which is actually simple. You get paid 15 cents for the paid to click, which is a stellar deal compared to palmbux and neobux: you can earn these in like a total of 180 seconds. Which is pretty good: It isn't like 45 seconds per ad, like some pay-to-click services!

This site is awesome, as it gives away a nice amount of free cash when you first sign on! I got $5 for signing up, and for each referral, you get a $1 each! That's pretty good. All of this free cash is getting to my head.... Overall I'd say Fusioncash is a nice site, and this site has been around for a while; it'd be worth it definitely! It's a pretty stellar deal for making this free money online, and there site is sweet... Once I get settled down I'll be working on completing offers! Join me, and then leave a comment saying you joined with some form of contact... I'll help you in getting referrals and whatnot! Only for a limited time (will edit post when necessary).

Free Money at FusionCash!

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